The common theme through all of these events is depopulation, demographic shift, land confiscation, a greater surveillance state, Agenda 2030 & The Great Reset!
I want to start by saying the information below is just opinions & interesting videos & articles from the internet! Now, having said that lets begin!
1) Do not forget Deagal 2025 predictions that 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025
- Deagal 2025 predictions that 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025 – https://web.archive.org/web/20200629112402/http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx And consider this; Lt. Col. Scott Mann, saying “We’re going to see an October 7-style attack” in the USA in 2025, the several threat level warnings from Chris Wray, the dems allowing 20,000+ Chinese Military men & terrorists to cross the border, we are primed for what Dennis Quaid says in this new film!
Deagal 2025 predictions that 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025
1.2) “This will be the next 9/11,” Dennis Quaid hosts Award-Winning Documentary, Grid Down Power Up – https://youtube.com/watch?v=XV-nf5HHOxU
2) These catastrophes are not by accident or poor management! This 100% depopulation of the human race lead by the UN, WHO, Bill Gates, The Club Of Rome, Dennis Meadows, Rockefeller Foundation & WEF! Started by Limits To Growth by Dennis Meadows!
Dennis Meadows Belief in depopulation – Peaceful Depopulation to 1-2 Billion: Limits to Growth’ Author Dennis Meadows Club of Rome: – https://youtube.com/watch?v=y_q-6m9ql7c
- 3) Trump talking about how the airplanes could not have caused the damage to the buildings. Donald Trump Calls into New York’s UPN 9 News on 9/11/2001 | #Flashback – Donald Trump attends a press conference in South Carolina and comments on whether or not he thinks George W. Bush is responsible for what happened on 9/11.
Donald Trump calls into 9 News after the attack on 9/11!
4) The steel girders are only inches apart and space out small windows, it should of cut the plane apart like bread through a slicer & it would have exploded outside the building! Exhibit (1)

Especially, when a bird strike can cripple a plane!
5) The Great Reset Video – Banned Video!!!
Deagal Depopulation Forcast 2025
I think a 9/11 or COVID like attack will happen sometime in 2025! After Trump takes office! They didn’t think he would win! So the global elites, the commie dems, & the WEF, UN, China & the WHO have to seek other options! Their agenda is depopulation! Lastly, the WEF & The Great Reset is not done! In this video they declare the USA will no longer be a super power by 2030!
6) The UN, WEF, the WHO and say in the above video the USA will no longer be a super power by 2030 Banned Video! –
7) Next, why was Klaus Schwab in New York on 9/11? The architect of the Great reset! I think not!!! Many things that came after 9/11 started the surveillance state we live in now! Like carnivore and the Patriot Act!
Many say there were no flights taking place and the planes we all saw were not the hijack planes but, special military planes with bombs on board or holograms and the bomb were already in the building!
8) PROOF! “These Planes Were NOT Hijacked on 9/11, We Have Evidence” | Redacted w/ Clayton Morris!
9) ⚠️ Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S2E8 – NO PLANE – Pentagon – DOCUMENTARY – LINKS!👀 – Jesse Ventura Investigated this very topic!
Above video -⚠️ Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S2E8 – NO PLANE – Pentagon – DOCUMENTARY – LINKS!👀
10) PERSON BLOWN OUT OF WTC WINDOW on 9/11: Video evidence of planted explosives in Twin Towers on 9/11
10.2) Again, here we have NYC Firefighters Confirm Explosions Inside WTC On 9/11!
11) 911 Pentagon Strike – Do you see a plane?
11.2) 9/11 Pentagon Strike – No Plane???
12) More Than likely it was a missile!!
Notes to Above video! ~ Confiscated video by FBI surfaces. Many had stated, a plane didn’t do the damage. There was no plane parts seen (except those brought in covered “planned/planted”). Like the WTC, many experts have claimed the “hits” were caused by Block IV cruise missles from subs. The WTC events used a hologram cover, while using cruise missiles. To further damage and take down targets, explosives were set during 6 months leading up to planned events. The actual truth, will come out.
13) Dr. Niels Harrit on 911 hijackers passport being found!?!? – Four of the hijackers passports have survived in whole or in part. Two were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania. These are the passports of Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al Ghamdi. One belonged to a hijacker on American Airlines flight 11.
Now we are supposed to believe these attacks were created by the guys below??? And yet they are still alive in Jail for whatever unknown reason?!?! And, Iraq & Afghanistan are still controlled by terrorist’s after 20+ years of war! And now they have money & weapons the USA has been giving to them!!! Lastly, the hijackers Passports and IDs were found intact on the grounds in the ruble!?!?
The 9/11 attacks were planned by al Qaeda, an international Islamist extremist terrorist network, and led by Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM):
Osama bin Laden
The leader of al Qaeda at the time of the attacks. Bin Laden believed that attacking the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, and the White House would lead to the political collapse of the U.S. federal government.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
The “principal architect” of the 9/11 attacks. KSM came up with the idea for the “planes operation” and took it to al Qaeda. He originally planned for ten planes to attack targets on both the East and West coasts of the United States, but Bin Laden modified the plan.
Mohamed Atta
The tactical commander of the operation in the United States. Atta was born in Egypt and was selected for the plot by bin Laden.
Ramzi Binalshibh
A Yemeni who met with Atta in Spain in July 2001 to discuss the operational aspects of the plot. Binalshibh passed the information to KSM, who then passed it on to bin Laden.
Zacarias Moussaoui
A possible pilot in the 9/11 operation who entered the country under the Visa Waiver Program. ~
We have been being programmed to expect these things to happen just like Maui & the California Wild fires!
14) Ultimate 911 Predictive & Programming Predictive 9/11
Occam’s Razor says 9/11, COVID, illegal immigration to western countries, the middle east wars were all planned events by the UN, WEF, the WHO, China, Bill Gates, Soros and far-left democrats, RINOs and War Hawks as depopulation events, mind control and subjection tactics! People can disagree & say I’m crazy but, I think global leaders & the elite were worried about their rule just like when they Crucified Jesus! I think Jesus has been here since before 9/11! And that’s why they created a security state to try to find him! I think The COVID-19/Plandemic was an attempt to kill him! Something alerted the global elite and world powers to his presence, NORAD, Intelligence Agencies, NASA, Space Anciencies ETC…! ! So the UN, WEF, the WHO and China & war mongers in America have attempted to discover who and where he is and destroy him like king Herod and the Romans/Jews like the crucifixion!
Michio Kaku on Weather Modification and causing rain and directing lightning.
Wendy Bell On the Maui Fires
