Romanian fossils show hominins in Europe 500,000 years earlier than thought

by Justin Jackson , Research led by the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Ohio University has found evidence of hominin activity at a Romanian fossil site dating to at least 1.95 million years ago. This discovery pushes back the known date of European hominins by half a million years and establishes Grăunceanu as the oldest confirmed European evidence of hominin activity. Grăunceanu, part of the Tetoiu Formation in Romania, lies within a Late Villafranchian biochronological zone (2.2–1.9 Ma) and has yielded a diverse faunal assemblage indicative of a forest-steppe environment. The timing of the earliest hominin dispersals into Eurasia has been elusive. Fossil evidence from Dmanisi, Georgia (~1.85–1.77 million years ago) represents the earliest indisputable hominin presence outside Africa. Isolated sites in Europe and Asia with lithics and bone modifications suggest earlier, intermittent hominin activity. Until now, no European site had reliably demonstrated hominin activity predating ~1.4 million years ago with robust age determinations. In the study, “Hominin presence in Eurasia by at least 1.95 million years ago,” published in Nature Communications, researchers analyzed faunal remains from Grăunceanu, a site in the Olteţ River Valley of Romania, identifying cut marks indicative of hominin butchery methods. A total of 4,524 specimens were examined for surface modifications such as weathering, root etching, and anthropogenic cut marks. Linear marks were analyzed macroscopically and quantitatively using 3D optical profilometry. Twenty bones exhibited anthropogenic surface modifications, including seven high-confidence cut-marked specimens. These marks were found on animal tibiae and mandibles, showing straight, transverse trajectories consistent with…

Intelligent Life In Cosmos Is Likely Very Rare, Says Paleontologist

choice when asking about the prevalence of intelligent life in the cosmos. But paleontology, the study of ancient life, is a good place to start when asking profound philosophical questions about the evolution of life here on our own planet and elsewhere. To that end, at least one prominent evolutionary biologist, who has devoted his career to studying the fossils of extinct marine invertebrates, says that while life itself may be common off world, intelligent life —- particularly of the sort that can build radio telescopes and spaceships —- is likely to be very rare indeed. The number of highly intelligent species on earth represents an incredibly small percentage compared to the total number of species, Bruce Lieberman, the book’s co-author, and an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, told me via email. It took more than 100,000 years for our species to be able to develop the technology to build spaceships, he said. Thus, the development of species that could create complex technologies seems extremely rare, Lieberman told me. That doesn’t mean that the onset of life here was a surprise, nor should it be elsewhere. Based on what we know of the fossil record here, life should be extremely common, said Lieberman. But the evolution of complex life on this planet took a long time to happen, about 2 billion years if we treat that as the origin of the eukaryotic cell (a cell with a membrane-bound organelles), he said. It then took…


I have been researching the Native Oral Stories of Ancient Egypt. Amazingly there is a Glypth for the Pyramids and it explains exactly what it was intended for…..and it’s not a tomb. ~ Jahannah James DO YOU REALIZE THE PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT ARE OVER 10,000 YEARS OLD!!?? ACCORDING TO SEVERAL RSEARCHERS! Edgar Cayce: The Foundation’s interest in the project rested on a hypothesis offered by Cayce that the Giza pyramids dated to 10,500 BC. The Giza pyramids are memorials to 4th Dynasty rulers whose reigns are placed by egyptologists around 2500 BC! The Edgar Cayce readings were very specific about the dates, placing the building of the Great Pyramid from 10,490 to 10,390 BCE – The Giza Plateau Is Older Than Thought #podcast #grahamhancock #history #science #ancient #egypt – The Giza Plateau Is Older Than Thought. Graham Hancock explains how the ancient Pyramids on the Giza plateau were built by the ancient Egyptians, but on already badly weathered Temples and Tomb! The Great Sphinx of Egypt (at Giza) – Egyptologists were saying. On the body of the Sphinx, and on the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure (the pit or hollow remaining after the Sphinx’s body was carved from the bedrock), I found heavy erosional features that I concluded could only have been caused by rainfall and water runoff came to the conclusion that the oldest portions of the Great Sphinx, what I refer to as the core-body, must date back to an earlier period (at least 5000 BCE,…

Conservatives on X: New Year’s Eve Lightning Strikes an Omen

On December 31, 2024, New Year’s Eve, lightning struck several prominent landmarks in the United States, including the US Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Empire State Building, and the One World Trade Center. In this episode, we will take a deeper look at each of these occurrences and the significance of the symbolism associated with each location, which serve as a forewarning of the impending judgment of GOD upon the United States. ightning strikes on major monuments in New York and Washington, D.C., on New Year’s Eve have sparked a flurry of reaction on social media, including from several supporters of President-elect Donald Trump, with many interpreting them as a powerful omen, reports Newsweek. “U.S. Capitol Building struck by lightning as we close out 2024 and head into 2025,” wrote Christian Ziegler, a Trump supporter and former Republican National Convention delegate, on X. “God is sending us a message.” Added Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah: “Feels like an omen What’s it telling us?” Jack Posobiec, editor of the pro-Trump conservative publication Human Events, shared Ziegler’s post on X, adding: “Soon.” CBS News congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane shared a video of lightning striking the Washington Monument, commenting: “Wow. Not sure if this is a metaphor of some sort. Lightning appears to have struck the Washington Monument tonight.” The Washington Monument, U.S. Capitol, and Empire State Building reportedly were all struck by lightning on New Year’s Eve. Read More AT


There are way to many of these for it to be merely chance. There is something to this. Thanks to STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS To see more go to their Rumble channel! A demon is a malevolent supernatural entity.[1] Historically, belief in demons, or stories about demons, occurs in folklore, mythology, religion, and literature; these beliefs are reflected in media including comics, fiction, film, television, and video games. Belief in demons probably goes back to the Paleolithic age, stemming from humanity’s fear of the unknown, the strange and the horrific.[2] In ancient Near Eastern religions and in the Abrahamic religions, including early Judaism[3] and ancient-medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered a harmful spiritual entity that may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. Large portions of Jewish demonology, a key influence on Christianity and Islam, originated from a later form of Zoroastrianism, and was transferred to Judaism during the Persian era.[4] Demons may or may not also be considered to be devils: minions of the Devil.[2] In many traditions, demons are independent operators, with different demons causing different types of evils (destructive natural phenomena, specific diseases, etc.). In religions featuring a principal Devil (e.g. Satan) locked in an eternal struggle with God, demons are often also thought to be subordinates of the principal Devil. As lesser spirits doing the Devil’s work, they have additional duties— causing humans to have sinful thoughts and tempting humans to commit sinful actions.[5] The original Ancient Greek word daimōn (δαίμων) did not carry negative connotations, as it denotes a spirit or divine power.[6] The Greek conception of a daimōn notably appears in the philosophical works of Plato, where it describes the divine inspiration of Socrates. In Christianity, morally ambivalent daimōn were replaced by demons, forces of evil only striving for corruption.[7] Such demons are…

Was Marilyn Manson right? Sex and dope is all that we’re fed!

I think people were completely wrong about Marilyn Manson! I think he was giving a warning with most of his songs! People made him out to be evil and Satanic?!? But, people forget he always said he was a performance artist! And yes he was honorably made a member of the church of Satan but, if you really look at the church of Satan or at least the one he was part of, was opened by Anton Szandor LaVey, was mostly of a theatrical nature! And the Church of Satan High Priest Peter Gilmore offered clarification “[Manson’s] a member who has been given an honorary priesthood. But his own music is his own art. His stage shows are his own, and they don’t really exemplify Satanism in particular.” Also, even Sammy Davis Junior and Jayne Mansfield were members of this Church of Satan! It really isn’t what people think it is! Their not the ones sacrificing babies and molesting children! Read More: Church of Satan Clarifies Marilyn Manson’s Role | More below! When you look at the actual lyrics of his songs and that he joined a prayer group with Justin Bieber & Kanye West for a Sunday Service prayer in Nov. 1, 2021 you get a completely different picture of him and what he’s trying to say! Also, Manson’s father was Catholic, and his mother was Episcopal and he attended a Christian school because his parents wanted him to get a better education. When you look at Antichrist Superstar it is actually…

Is The Earth Actually Flat? Open Your Mind Now? Are Elon Musk & NASA Are Lying To You?

Yes NASA & Elon Musk And Other’s Said “You Can Tell It’s Real Because It’s Looks So Fake” SpaceX Rocket & 1000s Fake N.A.S.A. Space Launched. NASA Admits Its All Fake National Aeronautics and Space Administration On July 29, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act into law, establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America’s activities in space. The Real International Space Station Program brings together international flight crews, multiple launch vehicles, globally distributed launch and flight operations, training, engineering, and development facilities, communications networks, and the international scientific research community. The International Space Station (ISS) is a 460-ton, permanently crewed platform orbiting 250 miles above Earth. It took 10 years and more than 30 missions to assemble, resulting in unprecedented scientific and engineering collaboration among five space agencies representing 15 countries. Elon Musk Said “You Can Tell It’s Real Because It Looks So Fake” SpaceX Launched – Why, in some of the videos of NASA’s astronauts in space, are there air bubbles that rise from their suit? The “air bubbles” seen in some videos of NASA’s astronauts in space are often not actually air bubbles, but rather water droplets. These droplets can form from sweat, drinking water, or other liquids that may have escaped from the astronaut’s suit or equipment. In the microgravity environment of space, these droplets can appear to move in unexpected ways, including rising up from the astronaut’s suit due to surface tension…

Scientific Proof God Is Real! Three Tiny Electrical Charges Created Everything, The Whole Universe!

Scientific proof God is real! Scroll down to read the whole article, see all the evidence and the included videos! 1) Quantum Entanglement – The effect of one particle on another seems to be instantaneous, no matter the distance. Before measurement, each particle exists in a superposition of states. 2) Simulation Hypothesis – All of reality, including our perceived physical world, might actually be an simulated environment! 3) Atomic Quantum Binary Code – Atoms are used as the basic units (like bits in traditional computing) but in a quantum state. Electrons being 0 , Protons being 1 like in classical binary, and Neutrons or qubit being 0 and 1 simultaneously due to superposition! 4) The big Bang Theory – The Big Bang Theory emerged from nothing as a single hot, infinite dense point where all matter was concentrated and expanded in to the universe. Conclusion – From nothing the Big Bang bursts into being and created all elements and matter which are made from Atomic quantum binary Code, all Atoms are made from quantum binary particles, the particles that make atoms are Protons being 1, Electrons being 0, and Neutrons or qubits being 1 and 0. All of reality, including our perceived physical world comprised of elements are made in strings of three electrical charges called Electrons, Protons and Neutrons. All the elements in our whole entire universe interact with each other by Quantum Entanglement no matter the distance and are based in strings of those three electrical charges called…

Humans originated in Europe, not Africa, according to fossil discovery

This find challenges the long-held belief that human ancestors evolved solely in Africa, suggesting instead that Europe played a significant role in our evolutionary history. The fossil, uncovered at the Çorakyerler site with support from Türkiye’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, reveals that Mediterranean fossil apes were more diverse than previously thought. These apes are part of the earliest known group of hominins, which includes not only African apes like chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas but also humans and their fossil ancestors. Out of Africa? Maybe not This discovery adds weight to the theory that the ancestors of African apes and humans may have evolved in Europe before migrating to Africa between nine and seven million years ago. Professor David Begun from the University of Toronto and Professor Ayla Sevim Erol from Ankara University led the international team of researchers who conducted the study. “Our findings further suggest that hominines not only evolved in western and central Europe but spent over five million years evolving there and spreading to the eastern Mediterranean before eventually dispersing into Africa, probably as a consequence of changing environments and diminishing forests,” explained Professor Begun. “The members of this radiation to which Anadoluvius turkae belongs are currently only identified in Europe and Anatolia.” Partial skull of Anadoluvius turkae The conclusion drawn from the study is based on the analysis of a well-preserved partial cranium discovered in 2015. This fossil includes most of the facial structure and the front part of the braincase, providing valuable insights into the ape’s anatomy. “The completeness of the fossil…