CPS perched on financial cliff, state financial takeover an option: report
‘The amount of money we’re talking about involves a deficit of well north of $750 million, may be as much as a billion dollars’ CHICAGO (WLS) — The nation’s fourth-largest school system is perched on a financial cliff, and will fall if something is not done soon, according to the Civic Federation. The budget watchdog group released a comprehensive report detailing the dire financial situation Chicago Public Schools faces, especially next year. ABC7 Chicago is now streaming 24/7. Click here to watch “The amount of money we’re talking about involves a deficit of well north of $750 million, may be as much as a billion dollars,” Civic Federation President Joe Ferguson said. Ferguson says the report is a reality check for CPS’ new hybrid-elected school board: 21 members will be sworn in on Wednesday. Ferguson warns the board the financial situation is so serious, a state financial takeover is a possibility as a last resort. “If you put guardrails on the system fiscally, I think that opens the door to the state saying, ‘OK, let’s reexamine some of the inequitable kind of funding practices from the state,’” Ferguson said. SEE ALSO: CPS Inspector General investigated 300 cases, including sports fraud, annual report says Ferguson says CPS cannot afford even the minimum cost of a new teachers contract. He says revenue ideas from the Chicago Teachers Union, like a short term loan or using reserve funds, would result in downgrades and tip the district into insolvency. Besides the state fully funding CPS, Ferguson…
Strange coincidences within 911/, COVID, Wars, Maui, Los Angeles, The UN, WEF & The WHO
The common theme through all of these events is depopulation, demographic shift, land confiscation, a greater surveillance state, Agenda 2030 & The Great Reset! I want to start by saying the information below is just opinions & interesting videos & articles from the internet! Now, having said that lets begin! 1) Do not forget Deagal 2025 predictions that 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025 Deagal 2025 predictions that 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025 1.2) “This will be the next 9/11,” Dennis Quaid hosts Award-Winning Documentary, Grid Down Power Up – https://youtube.com/watch?v=XV-nf5HHOxU 2) These catastrophes are not by accident or poor management! This 100% depopulation of the human race lead by the UN, WHO, Bill Gates, The Club Of Rome, Dennis Meadows, Rockefeller Foundation & WEF! Started by Limits To Growth by Dennis Meadows! Dennis Meadows Belief in depopulation – Peaceful Depopulation to 1-2 Billion: Limits to Growth’ Author Dennis Meadows Club of Rome: – https://youtube.com/watch?v=y_q-6m9ql7c Donald Trump calls into 9 News after the attack on 9/11! 4) The steel girders are only inches apart and space out small windows, it should of cut the plane apart like bread through a slicer & it would have exploded outside the building! Exhibit (1) Especially, when a bird strike can cripple a plane! 5) The Great Reset Video – Banned Video!!! Deagal Depopulation Forcast 2025 I think a 9/11 or COVID like attack will happen sometime in 2025! After Trump takes office! They didn’t think he would win! So the…
Intelligent Life In Cosmos Is Likely Very Rare, Says Paleontologist
choice when asking about the prevalence of intelligent life in the cosmos. But paleontology, the study of ancient life, is a good place to start when asking profound philosophical questions about the evolution of life here on our own planet and elsewhere. To that end, at least one prominent evolutionary biologist, who has devoted his career to studying the fossils of extinct marine invertebrates, says that while life itself may be common off world, intelligent life —- particularly of the sort that can build radio telescopes and spaceships —- is likely to be very rare indeed. The number of highly intelligent species on earth represents an incredibly small percentage compared to the total number of species, Bruce Lieberman, the book’s co-author, and an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, told me via email. It took more than 100,000 years for our species to be able to develop the technology to build spaceships, he said. Thus, the development of species that could create complex technologies seems extremely rare, Lieberman told me. That doesn’t mean that the onset of life here was a surprise, nor should it be elsewhere. Based on what we know of the fossil record here, life should be extremely common, said Lieberman. But the evolution of complex life on this planet took a long time to happen, about 2 billion years if we treat that as the origin of the eukaryotic cell (a cell with a membrane-bound organelles), he said. It then took…
“Time is an illusion” and doesn’t exist as we know it, according to many physicists
Time feels so obvious that we rarely question its existence. Our clocks tick, we sense the hours passing, and we connect events to a single timeline. Yet, in many corners of theoretical physics, the very notion of time as a forward-moving entity is under scrutiny. ome researchers claim that time may not exist in any fundamental way. They argue that our deeply held belief in a flowing “now” might be a trick of perception. Time illusions in daily life Our daily life depends on the past, present, and future being well-defined. We pay bills on time. We set our alarms to wake up in the morning. “The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now,” is an unsettling statement for scientists to make. That remark highlights the gap between how we sense time and how modern equations describe it. This perspective on timelessness has gained traction through work from many theoretical physicists, including Dr. Carlo Rovelli a theoretical physicist and Emeritus Professor at the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) of Aix-Marseille University in France. Dr. Rovelli has developed approaches in loop quantum gravity that often do away with a global time parameter. Time, physics, and intuition Our intuitions tell us the present moment is distinct, while the future feels open and the past seems fixed. However, Einstein’s theories suggest that all moments could be equally real, leaving no universal present. Researchers have shown that gravity can slow clocks. So, for instance, time passes a little bit slower at sea level compared to…
I have been researching the Native Oral Stories of Ancient Egypt. Amazingly there is a Glypth for the Pyramids and it explains exactly what it was intended for…..and it’s not a tomb. ~ Jahannah James DO YOU REALIZE THE PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT ARE OVER 10,000 YEARS OLD!!?? ACCORDING TO SEVERAL RSEARCHERS! Edgar Cayce: The Foundation’s interest in the project rested on a hypothesis offered by Cayce that the Giza pyramids dated to 10,500 BC. The Giza pyramids are memorials to 4th Dynasty rulers whose reigns are placed by egyptologists around 2500 BC! The Edgar Cayce readings were very specific about the dates, placing the building of the Great Pyramid from 10,490 to 10,390 BCE – https://content.edgarcayce.org/about-us/blog/blog-posts/the-stars-above-the-great-pyramid-below-10-400-bce/ The Giza Plateau Is Older Than Thought #podcast #grahamhancock #history #science #ancient #egypt – The Giza Plateau Is Older Than Thought. Graham Hancock explains how the ancient Pyramids on the Giza plateau were built by the ancient Egyptians, but on already badly weathered Temples and Tomb! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpEfNdNxuKk The Great Sphinx of Egypt (at Giza) – Egyptologists were saying. On the body of the Sphinx, and on the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure (the pit or hollow remaining after the Sphinx’s body was carved from the bedrock), I found heavy erosional features that I concluded could only have been caused by rainfall and water runoff came to the conclusion that the oldest portions of the Great Sphinx, what I refer to as the core-body, must date back to an earlier period (at least 5000 BCE,…
Let’s Make THE SUPER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIP SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE Happen For America! It Will Be A Return To The Days Of Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce!
With the advent of H.R.4346 the CHIPS ACT & 15 CFR – Offering $53 billion in federal incentives for domestic semiconductor manufacturing and research and development, I think it would be best used to create a new type of microchip and semiconductors, like when Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the microchip/integrated circuit! When Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the microchip/integrated circuit! When their two companies cross-licensed their technologies, they created a multi-billion dollar industry. I’ve developed an incredible patent link here –https://patents.google.com/patent/US8987873B2/en?oq=US8987873B2 (#US8987873B2) detailing the “Super Integrated Circuit Chip Semiconductor Device” Similar to the legendary inventor Jack Kilby. His patent, dating back to 1959, is the foundation for modern integrated circuits, yet we believe there’s untapped potential for further innovation. I think it can happen again with the “Super Integrated Circuit Chip Semiconductor Device”! Given your track record of pushing technology to new heights, how about taking on the challenge to modernize, enhance, and scale this invention into what could be called the “Super Integrated Circuit Chip Semiconductor Device”? It will probably take a combined effort with Amazons foray in to new microchips and Chicago future efforts into Quantum Computing and new microchips. it’s time to take advantage of the Bidens administration’s microchips act! Also, I think possible partners maybe Elon Musk with several of his endeavors, PsiQuantum with their Quantum Computing Campus in Chicago and Jeff Bezos with Blue Origin, Amazon’s AWS Trainium and Inferentia makers, maybe even Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic! I wonder if…
Chicago Public Schools need an Alpha School Education! On Making The Grade? | Dr. Phil Primetime!
This is the type of education CPS and the CTU should be giving Chicago land’s 323,251 students! Life Skills for the Future Alpha isn’t just about academics. We’re preparing students for life by teaching essential, actionable skills. Learn 2X in 2 Hours Through advanced technologies and mastery-based learning, students at Alpha complete core subjects in just two hours daily. How We Do It: Alpha combines adaptive AI for personalized 1:1 learning, mastery-based methods for deep understanding, and time management techniques like Pomodoro to keep students focused and thriving. Kids Will Love School At Alpha, we believe that when engagement meets high standards, it nurtures a lifelong passion for learning. LEARN MORE AT ALPHA SCHOOL WEBSITE!
Chicago Teachers Union took over Acero charter schools to stifle parents’ rights
The Chicago Teachers Union played a long game with Acero charter schools: unionizing them, undermining them and then taking them over. Now students and parents are left without the charter schools they chose. The Chicago Teachers Union is the enemy of parents’ rights. It’s efforts to unionize charter schools, push them to the brink of closure and then take them over as typical public schools bears this out. After the Acero Schools charter network announced it was closing seven of its 15 schools, the union made a show of claiming it supported the parents and students affected. Now Chicago Public Schools board members – appointed by CTU crony Mayor Brandon Johnson – have unanimously voted to fund the schools to keep them open for the coming school year but transform five of them into CPS-run schools starting in the 2026-2027 school year. The district will evaluate whether to keep the other two open as district-run schools. Parents should be wary of CTU’s alleged “support.” Parents chose charter schools for a reason. What was offered through the district’s traditional schools wasn’t right for their children. Now, the absorbed schools will no longer be charters. The Acero situation is no aberration. CTU’s admitted plan: 1) unionize charter school employees, 2) undermine the charter schools and then 3) absorb the schools into the district. It is part of CTU’s years-long anti-charter strategy to eliminate the charter schools they never wanted to exist in the first place. The result: Removing parental choice in education. Here’s how it played…
All Chicago city buildings will soon be powered by 100% renewable energy
This coverage is made possible through a partnershipbetween WBEZ and Grist, a nonprofit environmental media organization. On her fingers, Chicago’s Chief Sustainability Officer Angela Tovar counted the city buildings that will soon source all of their power from renewable energy: O’Hare International Airport, Midway International Airport, City Hall. Chicago’s real estate portfolio is massive. It includes 98 fire stations, 81 library locations, 25 police stations and two of the largest water treatment plants on the planet — in all, more than 400 municipal buildings. It takes approximately 700,000 megawatt hours per year to keep the wheels turning in the third largest city in the country. Beginning Jan. 1, every single one of them will come solely from clean, renewable energy, mostly sourced from Illinois’ newest and largest solar farm. The move is projected to cut the Windy City’s carbon footprint by approximately 290,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year, the equivalent of taking 62,000 cars off the road, the city said. Chicago is one of several cities across the country that are not only shaking up their energy mix but also taking advantage of their bulk-buying power to spur new clean energy development. “It’s a plan that gets the city to take action on climate and also leverages our buying power to generate new opportunities for Chicagoans and the state,” said Tovar. “There’s opportunities everywhere, not to mention vast amounts of land.” The city — and much of Illinois — already has one of the cleanest energy mixes in the…